Thursday, April 17, 2008

NCS v4.0 – Summary of Changes

The following list identifies the most significant changes that have included in NCS version 4.0

AIA CAD Layer Guidelines
• New data fields (layer names) added for Annotations, Structural, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Telecommunications, Waterway Structures, Hydraulic Structures, Fire Protection, Sanitary and Storm Sewer, Entertainment, Real Estate, and Landscape
• Civil Works discipline designator eliminated
• Data field names changed to match UDS abbreviations
• Alphabetical index created listing all data fields (discipline designators, major groups, minor groups, and phase/status)

CSI’s Uniform Drawing System
• Civil Works discipline designator eliminated
• Sheet Identification: Hyphen eliminated after Level 2 discipline designator
• Abbreviated sheet identification eliminated
• Model file names: Level 2 discipline designators allowed
• Drawing area coordinates located on left, top, and bottom of sheets; right side is optional.
• Title blocks: Horizontal text format no longer “preferred” format
• Schedules: Users may modify examples in Appendix; Room finish schedule format changed
• North arrow: User-defined; symbol must remain consistent throughout drawing set
• Drawing titles: Locate north arrow in the lower right hand corner of the title
• Dimensions: Arrowheads or slashes allowed for terminators - only one style may be used throughout drawing set; dimension line offsets revised
• Abbreviations changed to match data fields in CAD layer names
• New symbols include fire suppression, security, elevation targets, carpeting
• Revised symbols include masonry, plaster, room name identifier, FF & E identifier
• Reference keynotes: Option to repeat text description with the symbol eliminated
• Sheet keynotes: Numerals may begin with 1, followed by 2, 3, 4, etc. or other sequential order (i.e., 12, 31, 33, 45 etc.)
• References to drawings: Avoid broad references (i.e., “Refer to structural drawings”); Provide more exact location such as “Refer to structural foundation plan” or “Refer to sheet S-101”

Plotting Guidelines
• Color – line width mapping tables eliminated; colors no longer assigned to line widths
• Color is only used to specify screening; and platform specific background color
• New color plotting table added
• New line width added: 0.13 mm

• v4.0 Single User License: $410; Member discounts and other licensing information will be available in November 2007

• NCS v4.0 publication: Released in January 2008; available for purchase at
• Version 4.0 CD includes Excel files for practically all existing tabular information found in the NCS (CAD Layers list, Terms and Abbreviations, schedules, Regulatory Information and the Plotting Guidelines tables).
• NCS v4.0 changes are flagged with a vertical bar in the margin of the document as is commonly provided in Building Code manuals.

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